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Introducing the 2023 Committee

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Introducing the 2023 Committee Empty Introducing the 2023 Committee

Post  Rusty62TransAm Mon 12 Dec 2022, 8:26 am

Please find the 2023 Committee Member List below.

As All Candidates are unopposed, they have been automatically Elected to their respective positions effective today, Monday 12/12/2022.  

Congratulations to the successful Candidates and Welcome to the Committee: Jason Robertson and Bill Dowton who have both been on the Committee in previous years, and those returning.  

Many Thanks to Alison Slotegraaf who is leaving the Committee for your invaluable contribution to the Club.  It is Greatly Appreciated!  Also many Thanks to You and your Team for organising and Running the very Successful SA State Van Titles over the last couple of years.

I look forward to a very exciting year for MAJESTIC VANNERS Australia throughout 2023!

Introducing the 2023 Committee 2023_c10

Once again "Thank You" to everyone who participated.


Twisted Evil chev    


Holdens, TransAm Fronts, Custom Mods, Tunnel Rams & 350 Chevs!

At EASTER 2012 and then on the Sept/October Long Weekend since 2013 we've held our Annual Van-Ins.  All Welcome.  
Relive the 80's & Embrace the New Millennium!  
If you haven't been, You've been missing out on one of the Eastern States' Most Popular & Successful Annual Vanning Events!

Check the Events Page to find out what's happening this year!:

We have Chapters in Qld, NSW, Vic, SA and WA.  Club Rego available in QLD, NSW, Vic & SA.
MAJESTIC VANNER, Proud, Passionate Life Member!

Posts : 8566
Join date : 2009-12-02
Age : 61
Location : All the way from Hervey Bay to The Beautiful Hamilton Valley & back again!

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